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File Information

MGC_5.1.018_FINAL_3.5 Kirin 980.apk

About This File

  • The Archive Files category includes files related to Windows, Android or iOS systems. These file maybe includes exe, msi, apk, png, jpeg and other Android, Windows, Mac, iOS applications. Files may be generated by Winrar, Winzip, 7zip or archive softwares uploaded by publishers.
  • Common Archive file extensions include .rar, .zip, .7zip, .tar and .APK.
MGC_5.1.018_FINAL_3.5 Kirin 980.apk
67.74 MB
Uploaded: 09/06/2019 07:14:57
Bitdefender scan

This file was scanned by Bitdefender during upload.

VirusTotal scan

Devdrive scans high-risk files using VirusTotal.

About DevDrive
What is DevDrive?
DevDrive is a Files Upload service for Publishers to share Files without restriction.
is DevDrive secure?
Yes,All uploaded files are scanned for malware.
is it free to join?
yes,DevDrive is completely free to join ,Sign up now
How to report abuse?
if you found someone breaking our terms of serive please report
Refer to our home page and register a free account.
What file do you allow?
Upload ZIP, RAR, APK, EXE, DOC files and share on your blog, websites.
Do you allow illegal Files?
No, We don't allow any illegal or copyrighted files, this file hosting service is designed for publishers.
How long a file can be stored here?
With our premium account your file is safe for a lifetime without any upload, download restrictions.

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